I Semper Tri’d…

It seems my race reports always show up just before my next race… but that’s just because I tend to write a LOT, and I re-read everything over and over and over and over again. But… here it is, enjoy!

A while back, a friend tossed up a post for a local triathlon: The Semper Tri, on Camp Pendleton… it was just a sprint, a short race compared to the Bass Lake Olympic distance race I recently competed, and the upcoming Silverman race we’re training for. I took a quick look at the course, 500 meter swim, 30K bike ride, and a 5K run, “short”, relatively speaking, and it looked like a nice mid-training race to just see where I was… especially when it came to my performance in the water. Nothing jumped out at me when I was reading about it, the race was quite affordable, and it seemed like a really cool spot for a race, right on the base. So I signed up!

Retrospective lesson number 1: Make sure you do your research.
Retrospective lesson number 2: I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again, “nothing new on race day.”

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